Frequently Asked Questions

How early should I arrive prior to a flight?
Check with your airline. Each airline has different check-in requirements.

Is there some sort of visitor information assistance at the airports?
Visitor Information Program service is available at the airport or by calling (808) 567-6361.

Are there wheelchairs available for use by disabled passengers?
Airlines provide assistance to passengers with special needs. Disabled passengers should make arrangements with their air carrier in advance, preferably when reservations are made/confirmed.

How can I comment or make a suggestion about my experiences at the airport?
The Airports Division maintains the Airports Suggestion Hotline which accepts comments and suggestions from the public. The hotline has handled comments ranging from commendations for airport/airline employees to the amount of noise generated by aircraft operations. The phone number for the hotline is (888) 697-7813.

What is the distance from Hana Airport to Hana?
3 miles

Is it necessary to rent a car in Hana?
There is no public transportation.

I have a product and/or service that I think the traveling public can use. Who shall I contact?
Please write a letter describing the product and/or service and a brief description about your company to the Airports Administrator.

I have a product and/or service that I think the airport can use. Who shall I contact?
Please write a letter describing the product and/or service and a brief description about your company to the respective Airport Manager with a courtesy copy to the Airports Administrator.